Monday, April 21, 2008

Flash Project 4 update

I scrapped the original idea: too complex for the time I have.

now I have not idea at all and it doesn't matter anymore. I don't even know why I'm trying.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Final Project idea discussion

So he's gone through so many possibilities for things we can do in flash, and I have no idea what I'm going to do. I need to make it quick, because I have that 414 animation and 3-something-something print editions to get done as well.

I'm thinking maybe some sort of interface? I liked the example that had a stopwatch that you could start and stop. The folders turning transparent thing was neat too... Oh, and the circles that you could start, stop, and set to frame 1 and stop or start. But I have no idea what I would do with these.

Interface requires many possible pages though. And I need something small. Grah, I don't like flash.

EDIT: I'm gonna do the towers of hanoi problem. I hate my life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Brainstorm of ideas for beginning concept

Okay, so I know I want to tell some story or experience using words and possibly an image or two. General possible themes:


Religion sounds interesting springboard. I've been focusing on that subject a lot recently, and I think I could get an interesting piece out of it. The uncertainty of finding what one believes over what others have taught them can be confusing and depressing. Could make for an interesting dialogue telling a story.

I want to keep everything on one page, no frames. I could play with the css using javaScript, as well as make text or images change. I don't want to get too fancy with this: I want people to read it and figure out the story. And hopefully sympathize.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ooo, interesting link..

Okay, apparently this guy is geeky enough that he not only has his own server sitting in his kitchen (photo of the server) but he does web code projects that are utterly awesome!

The project that I'm most interested in at the moment (seeing as how I am in class and specifically hunting for a way to fix my IE dropdown menu offset problem in my portfolio website, since it doesn't happen with FireFox or Safari) is the javaScript project IE7.js that makes IE5-7 become CSS standard compliant.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Net Art, huh?

So, I guess this can be my list of neat net arts stuffs:

By the way, that one's freaking awesome, though insanely long. Very intriguing how it tells such a deep story with only words and some repetitive music. Well timed, very meditative, I could reflect on this all day. If my eyes didn't hurt from the large print.

This ones is quite interesting. The idea of taking so much information and making a piece like that out of it... I can only try to visualize the coding involved, and I'm assuming database work was needed. It's impressive how many entries are in this thing.

I know this one was shown in class, but I really did like it. AGain, I think it was the text thing. How it tells a story but doesn't outright tell you everything.

I think I've figured out I'd love to do something with text. Or try to tell a story without saying much about a story. I really really really love the idea of having someone read through and figure out what's going on.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Web Color links and notes

Scheme 1:

Scheme 2

Scheme 3:

Scheme 4

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Web Portfolios

Web portfolio #1:

I like this page for its readability. I can tell what's what right away, there are no crazy flashing things to catch attention, and there's no "welcome to my website" as if it's someone's blog. Despite the lack of color, this site looks very professional and I can find what I need to with very few clicks.

Web page #2:

This page has a couple messed up links, but it does say in the updates section of the home page that it's being reworked. I like the use of color without being overbearing: the brown theme makes me think of fall and the leaves on the ground. The links are easy to navigate, and I can tell what I'm looking at and where to look in each page.

Web page #3:

There are a number of things I actually don't like about this site, but at the same time its design is nice to me. I like the color choice, and I can tell what button's what. The intro page says the "welcome to my site" which I hate seeing, and the way the buttons in the site roll when the mouse hovers over them is quite annoying. Yet, when you click a button most everything (other than images, which should probably have some sort of loading bar, since they have a loading delay) appears immediately, with no reload of the page. The lack of a "blink" from a reloading page is nice. I'd probably also want the entire page position to be moved up, because once you load the pictures you have to scroll down to see everything. I guess I have more complaints than praises for this site, but I still like its look enough to list it on here. I guess the design and visual look really can decide it for the visitor.

Monday, January 7, 2008

TITLE GOES HERE (like always)

So, for the sake of keeping things simple and not leaving blogs everywhere, I'll be reusing this blog for ARTC 331 - Intermediate Interactive Art. If it turns out I need a blob for multiple classes at once, I guess I'll have to start putting the class in the title of the post.