Sunday, September 23, 2007

In progress

This post not finished: being used for archival purposes.

Little Girl: Background voice

Cat: Main Character (Protaganist?)

Bow: hidden main character (Antagonist?)

Problem: can't get bow off - need to get bow off before little girl returns to be able to run away

1. Cat is sitting on rug, little girl's voice dalls and cat scrambles to feet.

2. Cut to cat sitting on rug with HUGE bow on its neck: annoyed/resigned look on face.

3. Girl's voice trails off with mention to stay right there for the bell: cat panicks at mention of bell and tries to run, tripping on bow.

4. Tumbles and stays that way, thinking, tapping claws: eyes wander, land on

1 comment:

BonnieBlog said...

I thought of a few scenerios for your cat:

1. She gets tangled up in the collar while trying to get it off - first the front feet are stuck then the hind legs get caught.

2. She tries to read instructions on how to get the bow off. Make the instructions start simple then expand into incredibly complex and convoluted. She goes step by step on about three of the instructions till she finds herself way beyond comprehension or doing some bizarre thing the instructions tell her to do.

3. She tries to rug her neck against things to get it off. First show her rubbing against the door - no success - door slams and she is stuck, then rubbing against the stove - poof its on fire, then rubbing against the paper shredder and her tail gets caught and comes out as little shredded bits of fur (next scene she is whole again like in the cartoons).

4. think of lots more like this and do little vignettes like this with fade to blacks between them. They should not be all violent but some can use cartoon violence or body damage techniques. Exaggerate a lot. The more bizarre the better.

The ending is still open for discussion.